Prevent Fire Risk on EV Battery Charging
SHANY Thermal Camera for EV Charging Sites Monitoring
To meet the demand for parking lots with charging stands for electric vehicles, the Ministry of Transport in Taiwan promulgated the "Regulation for the Parking sites with Electric Vehicle Charging stations" that reserve fixed ratio on public parking stations for EV.  Parking stations for electric vehicle charging should be built up in accordance with demands.  Including public and private parking lots should be reserved at more than 2% based on the total number of parking stations on each public or private site.
(The reserved ratio may be up to 5-10% from 2025)
At present, requested by the National Energy Conservation and Carbon reduction policy, electric vehicles are expected to grow rapidly.  For more concern, many electric vehicles are parked in the basements of buildings.  Though the charging stands themselves do not install batteries, but if the batteries in the electric vehicles are damaged, the temperature may raise very high during charging.  It also could cause fire or even explosion risks.  They should keep seriously monitoring.  So, the very early prevention of fire that could be particularly important during the EV is
plug in charge station.
SHANY thermal camera and NVR products have been installed in EV charging sites in many parking lots at Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, and Taichung City.
(Picture: clipped from one site in New Taipei City)